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>> Classes are suspended for 2024, to resume January. Stay tuned for the date. HAPPY HOLIDAYS, Y'ALL !
>> The PREMIUM LIST for the February 21-23 AGILITY TRIAL is available. See Upcoming Events.
>> Check out AKC tips and information about your dog at AKC RESOURCES:
>> Yea! You have a new puppy! Now what?
>> Meet the RESCUE DOGS of Hurricane Helene.
>> St. Tammany Parish now requires all dog owners to spay or neuter their dogs. See the details at the GOVERNMENT AND YOUR DOG tab.
Deep South All Breed Obedience Training Club, Inc.

Dog and Owner working together to create success.
Welcome to
Founded in 1946 by a group of local dog enthusiasts, we are a non-profit club dedicated to helping all dogs become better companions and their humans become better owners by encouraging their mutual understanding and deepening their bond.
We offer a variety of activities and classes to pursue this goal.
Our experienced trainers teach classes of several types: puppy obedience training, intermediate pet obedience, breed conformation shows, as well as training for performance and companion events such as agility, obedience, and rally, depending on demand.
See the CLASSES tab for times and place.
Deep South All Breed Obedience Training Club, Inc. is approved by the American Kennel Club (AKC).
CLUB MEETINGS are on the second Monday of the month at 7:00pm in the Johnny Bright Playground gym building; 3401 Cleary Av, Metairie, LA 70002. All Members are welcome and encouraged to participate. Find a MAP HERE.
Membership costs $100 to join and covers the first year of dues, which are $35 each year thereafter as long as your membership is current. A call for Dues Renewal goes out in November and December, payable by January. This covers any and all training that you may wish to take, including coming back for refreshers at any time as well as voting rights and participation in our meetings. Join us! Download the APPLICATION FORM HERE
Check out what some of our members are doing with their canine friends at our Facebook page:​​

Donations are always welcome to help us with our mission to increase our enjoyment of our canine companions. Scan the QR code to make a secure gift. Thank you!

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